CBHS provides members the option to receive medical treatment in their home when approved by their doctor as being clinically appropriate. Receiving these services at home may mean your hospital stay is shortened or you may be able to avoid a hospital admission altogether. Home based care services such as meals and domestic help is also available. All these services are available at no cost to CBHS members who have a hospital or packaged product and the medical services to be provided are an appropriate substitute for treatment that would be fully covered in a hospital under that product.
71 year old CBHS member Molly* has been a part of the CBHS family since 1984, and speaks to us after undergoing a bone graft on how the Hospital Care at Home service has helped her, especially since she lives alone.
What did you go into hospital for?
I started to get a pain in my foot walking uphill and downhill and it was so bad at times that I just couldn’t walk…it would stop me in my tracks. I went to the doctor and had several tests and I was informed I would need a bone graft to fix the issue which culminated in a metal plate and 5 screws. After a prolonged admission due to pneumonia secondary to Influenza A and a fall off my crutches I was able to be discharged home.
Why did you need the Hospital Care at Home?
Dressing changes and showering.
How did you find out about HCAH?
I had been reading about it in the e-newsletter two weeks prior to going into hospital and it had talked about it. I then forgot about it and it wasn’t until the discharge planner mentioned that my health fund had this available. And the discharge planner had arranged it for me.
What happened when you got home?
I was discharged on a Friday and the care started the following Monday.
How did you find the service?
Ohhh! I was quite impressed! The nurses were so efficient. Wonderful, wonderful, caring and compassionate people. Always offering to do more than what they had been employed to do. They’ve been really, really good.
Would you recommend it to our members?
Oh God yes! Yes!
What was the best thing about the whole process?
Being able to have a shower. Before the HCAH had started, I was washing using the laundry tub and was completely exhausted after the effort.
Thank you for your time Molly, is there anything else you would like to mention?
I can thoroughly recommend the service, I was really, really happy and it was like a bonus/extra that was there when I really needed it.
Going to hospital? Learn how CBHS can support your recovery – contact us now…
Whether your hospital stay is planned or unexpected, or if you think you might be going to hospital in the future; CBHS can support you. Simply contact our friendly Health and Wellness team on either 02 9685 7567 or 02 9843 7620. Alternatively you can email wellness@cbhs.com.au now, to better understand the benefits you can receive.
*Member has requested to remain anonymous and therefore the name Molly has been used as a pseudonym.