How much does it cost to call an ambulance?
If you’re ever in a situation where you need to call an ambulance, the last thing you want to be thinking about is how much it will cost you. Many Australians believe that Medicare covers the cost of calling an ambulance. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The cost of calling an ambulance in Australia depends on a number of factors including which state or territory you live in and whether or not you have private health insurance.
New South Wales
If you don’t have ambulance cover
You’ll need to pay a fee if you or someone you know needs emergency ambulance treatment or transport. Ambulance fees include a call out charge plus a kilometre charge. The kilometre charge includes the round trip between the ambulance station, pick up address, destination and return to the ambulance station. You can find out more at NSW Ambulance.
If you’re a pensioner
Pensioners get free ambulance service for all medically necessary trips in NSW.
If you’re a veteran
If you hold a Department of Veteran Affairs Health Card or Veteran Card, you’re covered for state ambulance services in every state and territory. You can find out more at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS
If you have ambulance cover as part of your hospital cover with CBHS, you’re covered for medically necessary emergency and non-emergency ambulance services .
If you have extras and ambulance or stand-alone ambulance cover with CBHS, you’re covered for emergency ambulance transportation services only.
If you don’t have ambulance cover
You’ll need to pay a fee if you need emergency transport. You can choose to pay a membership with Ambulance Victoria to cover your ambulance costs. You can find out more at Ambulance Victoria.
If you’re a pensioner or concession card holder
You get free transportation and on-the-spot treatment.
If you’re a veteran
If you hold a Department of Veteran Affairs Health Card or Veteran Card, you’re covered for state ambulance services in every state and territory. You can find out more at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS
If you have ambulance cover as part of your hospital cover with CBHS, you’re covered for emergency ambulance transportation services only where it’s not claimable through another source. Other sources include Transport Accident Commission or Department of Veteran Affairs.
Australian Capital Territory
If you don’t have ambulance cover
You’ll need to pay a fee if you need emergency transport. The cost for emergency ambulance service (treatment and transport) is a fixed fee plus a per kilometer charge. Emergency treatment that doesn’t include transport is charged as a fixed fee. You can find out more at ACT Government.
If you’re a pensioner or concession or health care card holder
You can get free emergency ambulance services.
If you’re a veteran
If you hold a Department of Veteran Affairs Health Card or Veteran Card, you’re covered for state ambulance services in every state and territory. You can find out more at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS
If you have ambulance cover as part of your hospital cover with CBHS, you’re covered for medically necessary emergency and non-emergency ambulance services.
If you have extras and ambulance or stand-alone ambulance cover with CBHS, you’re covered for emergency ambulance transportation services only.
Queensland or Tasmania
If you don’t have ambulance cover
The state government covers ambulance costs if you’re a resident of either of these states.
You can find out more at:
South Australia
If you don’t have ambulance cover
You’ll need to pay a fixed fee. South Australian residents have an option to purchase a South Australian Ambulance Service membership from the South Australian Ambulance Service. This provides coverage for emergency and non-emergency ambulance services.
If you’re a veteran
If you hold a Department of Veteran Affairs Health Card or Veteran Card, you’re covered for state ambulance services in every state and territory. You can find out more at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS, you’re covered for emergency ambulance transportation services only.
Northern Territory
If you don’t have ambulance cover
You’ll need to pay a fixed fee and Northern Territory residents have the option to purchase a St John Ambulance subscription from the Northern Territory St John’s Ambulance Service.
If you’re a veteran
If you hold a Department of Veteran Affairs Health Card or Veteran Card, you’re covered for state ambulance services in every state and territory. You can find out more at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS, you’re covered for emergency ambulance services only. You’ll need to purchase a subscription from St John Ambulance NT for full ambulance coverage.
Western Australia
If you don’t have ambulance cover
If you call an ambulance in Perth, the fee will vary depending on the type of call out.
To be fully covered for all ambulance services, WA residents should take out stand-alone ambulance cover with a private health fund that offers this type of cover.
Comprehensive Country Ambulance Cover covers the cost of an ambulance trip for as many emergency or necessary non-emergency transport trips required.
If you’re an aged pensioner
You may be covered for ambulance transport. You can find out more at Ambulance fees for seniors and pensioners.
If you’re a veteran
If you hold a Department of Veteran Affairs Health Card or Veteran Card, you’re covered for state ambulance services in every state and territory. You can find out more at the Department of Veteran Affairs.
If you have ambulance cover with CBHS
You’re covered for emergency ambulance transportation services only.
State and territory ambulance sites
All information contained in this article is intended for general information purposes only. It’s best to contact your ambulance service provider in your state or territory for latest cost information.